Dear Students, congratulations on completing your Semester 1 and have understood the Mission you are entrusted with. Here is a preview of what to expect in Semester 2. When you complete this Semester, you can decode any religious text and understand it as it was meant to be. Here lies the power of intuition. It is pure knowledge; there is nothing else to do. Nature will guide and do the rest.
Welcome to Semester 2 of our
University. This semester, we will discover why India is the Mother of
the World and the greatness of India, known as the Karma Boomi. [Boomi means World.]
You will find a faith with no name: Hinduism and its cultural
and spiritual heritage at a glance. Essential knowledge regarding the holy Vedas, Sacred rivers, festivals and their symbolic significance.
Origin of breathtaking exalted
Temples and their sacred History.
Ramayana and Mahabharata imparted life’s lessons from the great epics of Ramayana
and Mahabaratha. The Gist of the Bhagavad Gita and applying its
teachings in your life. The essence of the Upanishads and the Puranas
have been condensed for easy
understanding. Making its values a part of your life.
A deeper study into pranayama and meditation to discover the universe within you. Without these tools, you cannot turn your mind inward to find your chakras or kundalini,
the force of life. Herein lies the power of Intuition.
Discover the language of Silence.
The language of the Gods. Intuition is Silence in action. The knowledge acquired through Intuition will
never be stale; it is timeless and ageless. Lord Shiva declares: “ Rare is a teacher who can make
you understand in Silence, in his presence.“
In an avatar of Sri Dhaksniamoorthy, Lord Shiva taught in eloquent
Silence to four accomplished sages who had doubts clouding their
minds. When their minds became still in Lord Shiva’s presence.
Knowledge poured forth in that Silence. They now understood all they needed to know.
Arunachala is indeed a holy place. Of all holy places, it is the most sacred! Know that it is the heart of the World. It is truly Siva himself! It is his heart abode, a secret kshetra. In that place, the Lord ever abides in the hill of fire; the light of knowledge spears through the darkness of Ignorance in Mankind. He is calling noble souls to come ashore to safety. It is named Arunachala.
India is the Mother of The World. The very Life of Earth.
From his life
lessons and answers to his devotees, a sage with no name, we will use his teaching as a guide
to attain self-realisation in this very life. Most importantly, his advice
on overcoming all obstacles placed in our path towards our goal. The
sheer simplicity of his guidance can be summed up with his phrase, “
Be as you are, where you are, how you are” be still. Here “, be still.”
denotes the mind and its wandering tendencies.
Along with our lessons, we will guide you through defending
yourself and your family from the influence of demonic forces in the Media and real-life situations and how to answer back with facts,
which will keep them far away from you.