The World's first University to teach through Intuition. You will learn nothing but understand everything. Intuition is the only way you can gain actual knowledge. The knowledge mentioned here is not the breadwinning education but the natural law governing life. This intuitive knowledge goes beyond the intellect and senses of the body. You will always make the right decisions when your Intuition is fully active and serves as an understanding tool. Another word to describe Intuition is Silence—the language of the Divine. Enrol in our university and discover the purpose of your Life. This university is open to all, beyond religion, caste, colour, and creed. What started as a vision on paper became a living, breathing mission to awaken intuition in all who seek it. Through the mysterious and miraculous workings of Providence, a dream from 1949 has become a beacon of light in the modern world, guiding individuals to discover the purpose of their lives. Today, our university is a testament to the power of vision, intuition, and the unseen forces that shape our destiny. We invite you to be part of this ongoing story, explore the depths of your intuition, and fulfil the mission that began many years ago.

born free | live free | stay free
A Vision of 1949: Our Mission
Uniting The World | One Government | One Law
Our mission is to unify humanity under one virtuous unassailable governance. One world, One law, One government.
My grandfather's futuristic vision in 1949 came while signing the first souvenir of the Girl's School he co-founded in a small town, Sattur, in Tamilnad state, India. His vision was to see a United World with One Government and One law.
The Grand Vision

Sri Devi Parasakthi
[ Bharath Matha ]

Our True Story of how Nadar Asia was founded by a series of strange, mysterious events that happened in rapid succession. Providence created "Nadar Asia" to teach through Intuition to achieve its mission because Intuition is beyond the realm of any Intelligence. And the only way to unite Humanity. All of this is explained in our first lesson. Every word and the content you learn is from a higher power. We are only trustees of that power. Why providence chose me to accomplish its works is truly beyond my comprehension
A true story

Four pillars
We have four Iron pillars of faith serving as the foundation on which Nadar Asia's establishment and Intuitive education curriculum are designed. 1) A sage with no name. 2) A faith with no name. 3) content from the Grand epics and diverse Scriptures. 4) Our university was founded to educate you on this sacred knowledge. Understanding the language of the Gods through Intuition, which is timeless, ageless and deathless.
This Intuitive knowledge is the only way to remove the darkness in humanity. Darkness is when all evil acts are portrayed as a noble cause. This darkness or ignorance is created by demonic personas in the Media, Governments, and usurped powers of authority. They hold your mind hostage without you realising it. The future generation of children will never know the Truth. You can stop the demons now. We will show you how, without violence, to be as you, where you are.

To achieve this mission, Providence created "Nadar Asia" to teach humanity the art of Intuition. Intuition is beyond the realm of any intelligence. It is the language of the Gods. Perfect Silence. Lord Shiva as Dakshinamoorthy and Sri Ramana Maharshi communicated to devotees through this method.Nadar Asia. The world's first University to teach through Intuition. You will learn nothing but understand everything. Intuition is the only way you can gain actual knowledge. The knowledge mentioned here is not the breadwinning education but the natural law governing life. This intuitive knowledge goes beyond the intellect and senses of the body. You can always make the right life decision when your Intuition is fully active and serves as an understanding tool. Another word to describe Intuition is Silence.
Intuition the key

Our introductory lesson plan
Nadar Asia's Founding Principles
Our Ethical Code
1) We are here to Teach and never Preach.
2) We never put down another faith or ridicule their customs.
3) We Never convert or claim superiority over other religions.
4) We never encourage you to leave your faith. just be,
” Be where you are, as you are, how you are”. Keep doing your daily tasks as destined by karma.
5) We never instil fear of Hell or promise you Paradise in heaven to leave your religion.
6) We Never teach violence in any form. Our lessons are 100% safe for children and individuals of other faiths, ages, colours, creeds, and gender is of no concern—Our content is Universal.
7) No particular dress code or sacred bodily marks are required.
8) No rituals, groups, or unique places of prayer or assembly.
9) No cult-like secret retreats to brainwash you.
10) Absolute Freedom of worship for Self-Discovery.
11) Be Free. Live Free. Stay Free.

Your Benefits of learning with us
Our curriculum was Intuitively created and guided by a higher power. In this life, all you ever need is this Intuitive knowledge. This knowledge you receive will never stale with Time.
You will learn to understand the Intention behind any conversation or action.
You will learn the Sacred language of " Silence ". The language of the Gods.
You will be content and happy with what you have.
People will feel an aura of comfort in your presence, although you may not have spoken a word.
Demonic personas disguised as angels will fear your presence as you have the power to see through their masks.
There are many more benefits you get, detailed in our introductory class, due to space constraints in the Mobile App. We are unable to list the entire benefits here.
Our Class 1 Curriculum
In-depth basic knowledge

Reclaim Your Heritage Today
You are descendants of Mighty kings and Queens.
Reclaim your glorious heritage unmatched on earth.
"We show you how to achieve it step by step".
You will awaken to be a mighty King or Queen once again.
Join our university to learn and understand how you were robbed of your spiritual wealth and fed lies to make you powerless puppets of demonic personas. You will learn systematically in class to ensure your knowledge grows according to your power of comprehension. You will learn the dangers of self-study from social media platforms like youtube, Tik Tok, Twitter etc. The opinions expressed here will confuse and lead you astray.
I am your professor R.Vijayann guiding you with all the lessons to come. Although not too bright in studies from childhood, but managed to pass the final exams. In my generation, all my cousins and brothers were academically brilliant, always top ten. I was the only one who ranked last but one.
It was in Canada that my family doctor found that I had a learning disability from childhood, and that was why there was much misunderstanding in my workplace. But, I had a knack for teaching and storytelling naturally. I guess it was Nature's way of compensation for my learning disability.
You can read in the free lesson on the Introduction page about myself and how I'm into this without a will of my own.

Providence Wants You To Know These Facts.

No One Has Solved This.

Thank You For Watching And Discovering Your Real Heritage. This Is Only The Tip of A Massive Knowledge Iceberg. Start Your Profound Journey Today. OM

Providence Wants You To Know These Facts.